A Home of Quiet - Progress Update #1

After two months of not making it, here is the short progress update for my game, A Home of Quiet:

It has been exactly one year since I started working on my game. It is not yet finished, but I have definitely made some progress. The scope for this project is very small, since it is the first game I have made. Most aspects of this game have been difficult to work on, making development slower. These aspects include pixel art (which I have never done before this), programming (which I am really bad at), and music. Once I have most of the assets in place, I want to tweak and refine my art and dialogue. The color palette of my game is something I specifically want to work on. One of my main goals in this project is to create most of the parts of my game from scratch, like the sound effects and even the font. I think doing this will allow me to gain more skills for future projects.

Here are a few estimations on my progress so far:

Art: 80% (50-60% with revising)
Dialogue: 60% (40% with revising)
Music/Sound: 90% (75% with revising)
Cutscenes: 50% (?% with revising)
Bug fixing: 0%

I also want to talk about the content within my game. It only has a total of five rooms (which is not a lot), but I am working on making each room unique and dynamic. I still expect it to take less than ten minutes to complete. My game centers around a main character (I have not given them a name), and their cat. They also own a (possibly) sentient cactus for some reason. The game takes place within their house, which lies near a big city (that is not in the game). There is not really much gameplay beyond walking around and interacting with things. Though, there is a small possibility that I will make a few mini games with more gameplay, but I am not sure about that yet.

The purpose of this game is not really to be something amazing or new, but just for me to able to know that I made this and can make something more interesting in the future. If you have any questions about my game, just ask me!

Finally, to end this progress update, I want to share a little teaser trailer:

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